Truss Screeds
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Consistent concrete thickness is essential when it comes to the structural integrity of construction projects. Choosing the right power screed for the job is crucial. From vibratory screeds to laser-guided screeds, Lincoln Contractors Supply has a full range of equipment suited for every job – small, medium, or large. Review our extensive lineup of power screeds and get the results you need!
Rental Pricing
10 Ft. Base Section With Motor
Type | Gas
10 Ft. Base Section
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison, Metal Forms
5 Ft. Section
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison, Metal Forms
2.5 Ft. Section
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison, Metal Forms
Hand Winches
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison, Metal Forms
Hydraulic Winches
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison, Metal Forms
Product Overview
Eliminate air voids, humps, and depressions with a professional-grade power screed. Fast and efficient, these tools improve the quality of your concrete work by creating a uniform and level finish, all without the need for excessive handling or manual labor. With the power screeds available for rent and for purchase at Lincoln Contractors Supply, you reduce the likelihood of inconsistencies in the concrete surfaces on your jobsite.
10 Ft. Base Section With Motor
Type | Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
10 Ft. Base Section
Type |Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
5 Ft. Section
Type | Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
2.5 Ft. Section
Type | Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
Hand Winches
Type | Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
Hydraulic Winches
Type | Gas
Brands Available: Bartell Morrison
Product Overview
Enhanced versatility. Consistent quality. Simple operation. Unmatched precision. This is what you want when it comes to your concrete finishing equipment. With the super screeds available at Lincoln Contractors Supply, this is exactly what you get! Equipped with features like laser-guided technology, vibrating mechanisms, and ergonomic controls, super screeds are the ultimate tool for precise leveling and efficient concrete compaction.
Product Specifications
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